New Advertising Frontier for Affiliate Marketers | TUGAS KAMPUS

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New Advertising Frontier for Affiliate Marketers

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The ClickBank Insider ClickBank Logo
May 2010 ::: Issue Number 30
This Just In

>ClickBank's Dush Ramachandran to Present at Affiliate Summit East

ClickBank is pleased to announce that Dush Ramachandran has been selected to speak with Google's Frederick Vallaeys at Affiliate Summit East. Their session is titled "Avoiding the Google Slap" and will take place on Monday, August 16th from 2p.m.-3p.m. EDT.

Affiliate Summit East takes place in New York City on August 15-17, 2010. This three day conference includes an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors, and networks, as well as multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts. ClickBank is a Titanium level sponsor of the event and will exhibit. For more information on the show, click here. Please stay tuned for updates on ClickBank's involvement at the event.


>Reminder to Attend AffCon Denver

Take advantage of affiliate marketing training sessions, skills sessions, exhibitors, and networking at the AffCon 2010 event in Denver, June 21-23, 2010. This event is free for affiliates. Please register here and list ClickBank under the section titled "Your Associated Affiliate Networks." We look forward to seeing you in Denver in June!

Expert Articles

>The Secrets of Writing Sales Copy That Converts
By Chris McNeeney

In my years as a super affiliate, I have seen some of the best and worst that copywriting has to offer and almost everything in between. ClickBank is awash with sales letters and copy for vendor products and it's not always obvious which ones will convert to sales at first glance.

Even the ugliest site will convert browsers into paying customers if the copy is well written and does its job as it should - and if the copywriter understands how to sell to the niche in question. In this article, I am going to teach you the copywriting elements that are vital to the success of any sales page (no matter how good or bad the design and graphics). The end result should be that your customers feel they simply have to buy the product you're offering, without delay. Click here to read more on the ClickBank Blog.

Marketing Corner

>A New Advertising Frontier for Affiliate Marketers: TV Ads?

In the ultra-competitive affiliate marketing landscape, it's a good idea to always be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to promote products. Somewhat ironically, a great new space for affiliate promotions is actually an advertising medium that's been around a long time: television. Up till now, advertising on TV was far too expensive and complicated for the average marketer.

However, Google recently introduced Google TV, which allows practically anyone to create TV spots within their AdWords account and run them on national cable TV. One of the most amazing parts is the low cost - as low as $20 for an ad spot!

Considering the huge potential reach of television, this can be a great way to advertise your own product or separate yourself from other affiliates who are promoting the same product. And considering how powerful and relatively inexpensive video creation tools and software packages are today, it's reasonable for almost anyone to create a simple TV ad they can test out. Learn more.

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