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Adobe Reader 9.3

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 12:58 PM PDT

Acrobat reader 256Adobe Reader 9.3Adobe Reader adalah sebuah aplikasi standar sederhana untuk membuka file PDF pada platform Windows. Adobe Reader berjalan dengan baik pada Windows XP, Vista dan Windows 7. Tidak hanya sebagai pembaca file pdf, tapi dengan program ini kita juga dapat membuat dokumen pdf, mencetak dan lainnya.

Adobe Reader kini hadir dengan versi terbarunya Adobe Reader 9.3. Dengan tampilan yang sederhana kini Adobe Reader lebih ringan dan cepat. Adobe Reader mudah untuk digunakan, karena program ini adalah salah satu program pembaca file PDF pertama yang sudah ada lebih dari satu dekade

Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.

reader fmaAdobe Reader 9.3

  • View, print, and search PDF files, including PDF Portfolios and PDF maps
  • Author, store, and share documents, and share your screen, using Acrobat.com services
  • Experience richer content and greater interactivity with native support for Adobe Flash technology
  • Review documents using familiar commenting tools such as sticky notes, highlighting, lines, shapes, and stamps (When enabled by Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended)
  • Digitally sign PDF documents (When enabled by Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended)

Download : Adobe Reader 9.3

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Archos 7 and Archos 8 Home Tablets With Android Platform

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 10:22 AM PDT

archos a70k tmp2Archos 7 and Archos 8 Home Tablets With Android PlatformARCHOS has announced its two new home tablets which are known as ARCHOS 7 and ARCHOS 8. Two new Android based multimedia tablets are powered by ARM9 CPUs.  The ARCHOS home tablet range bridges the gap between the Smartphone and the desktop PC to provide always-on access to the web and multimedia content in a large-screen format.

The ARCHOS home tablet are designed for use in the bedroom, the back yard or the kitchen – the hub of the modern home. Large, high resolution screens make them perfect devices for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, listening to music, playing games, and much more.

The ARCHOS 7 is featured with 7-inch touchscreen display. The ARCHOS 7 is also preloaded with video player software for improving movie and YouTube viewing experience. It is Wi-Fi enabled, has built-in USB connection and comes with a battery that provides up to 7 hours of video playback and 44 hours of music playback.Home tabletsArchos 7 and Archos 8 Home Tablets With Android PlatformThe ARCHOS 8 is featured with 8-inch touchscreen display. It is also preloaded with video player software and services such as Cookineo, a cooking recipes app, local weather information, business directories simplify household chores and etc.

The ARCHOS 7 is expected to be available in April with the price tag of $200 for 2GB and $240 for 8GB model. However, the ARCHOS 8 is expected to be available in May and is priced at $200 for the 4GB model.

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WinRAR 3.93 Final

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 09:36 AM PDT

Compressed 256WinRAR 3.93 FinalWinRAR hadir dengan versi terbarunya WinRAR 3.93 Final. WinRAR adalah sebuah aplikasi pengompres data dengan banyak fungsi tambahan. Dengan WinRAR kita dapat melakukan kompresi dan merapikan data sehingga akan menciptakan arsip yang lebih kecil dan tertata

Jadi jika di PC kita banyak terdapat file yang berserakan maka kita bisa menyatukannya dengan program ini dan files yang telah disatukan tersebut secara otomatis akan ter kompress ukuran filenya sehingga tentunya akan menghemat ruang pada hardisk di PC kita.

Fiture lainnya dari winrar ini adalah mendukung semua format kompresi populer ( RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip ) …. Dan jika anda punya ada folder2 ataupun files penting yang harus dan tidak ingin orang lain membukanya maka dengan program ini kita bisa memberi sebuah password di folder ataupun files itu

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager (Win32, Linux, Mac). RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.

Compressed winrarWinRAR 3.93 Final
Features of WinRAR :

  • Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
  • WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
  • WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
  • WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special “Wizard” mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
  • WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
  • WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
  • WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
  • Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
  • WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

Changes in Version 3.93 – Bugs fixed :

  • in WinRAR 3.92 -xd:\path\folder switch could also exclude folders, which path does not match the path specified in the switch and only the folder name is the same as specified;
  • switches -y -or did not work correctly together. Switch -or was ignored in presence of -y.

Petunjuk Installasi :

  • Lakukan installasi software WinRAR pada file wrar393.exe yang telah anda download sebelumnya
  • Setelah proses installasi selesai. tutup program WinRAR
  • Gunakan file Keygen untuk menjadikan program ini full versi, untuk pengguna Vista atau Windows 7 : jalankan dengan “Run  as Administrator”

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Download : WinRAR 3.93 – x86 (32 bit)

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