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The ClickBank Insider ClickBank Logo
March 2010 ::: Issue Number 28
This Just In

> ClickBank Attending a4uexpo

ClickBank will be attending and exhibiting at a4uexpo in Munich, Germany on May 18th and 19th, 2010. We're proud to be sponsoring the event and will be located in booth #FB3. Please stop by our booth and say hello!

As part of our involvement, we have received a discount to pass along to our clients and are excited to offer you a 12.5% savings on the delegate rate! Simply use discount code CB1012 and click here to register. Be sure to register by April 1st to get additional savings with the early bird rate.

a4uexpo is a European conference focused on bringing together top affiliate marketing specialists to discuss global industry trends and business opportunities. We look forward to seeing you there!

>ClickBank's Dush Ramachandran will Attend ad:tech San Francisco

Dush Ramachandran, ClickBank's vice president of sales and business development, will attend ad:tech San Francisco, April 19th-21st, 2010. 

ad:tech San Francisco consists of conferences, events, and an exhibition directed toward online marketers.

Expoert Articles

>The Value of Building Your Own Email List

by Itay Paz

Whether you're an affiliate or a vendor with ClickBank, having a qualified list of potential customers you can contact is an absolute must.

To explain why, I'll discuss an example website that shows the power of list building. Let's say you've built an affiliate site that reviews golf training e-courses. The site has 4 different product reviews and is receiving a steady stream of traffic.

Some of the visitors follow the links, but some just read the reviews and leave the site. Without any kind of email capture mechanism, you can only possibly make money from visitors who follow your links. But no matter how interesting and relevant your site is, only a small percentage of visitors are likely to follow your links.

If you were able to get the contact information for some of those visitors who didn't follow your links, and get them to visit your site again or check out another product you recommend, would you be able to make more money from the same amount of traffic? No doubt about it!

So now that we've established the fact that you must capture your visitor details as often as possible -- meaning getting the visitor's email address to build your email list, let's look at how it should be done:

1) Write (or outsource) a simple report relevant to your industry and create a special page for it. For example: "Get my free report on the 5 best techniques for perfect golf swings!"

2) Use an AutoResponder such as Aweber to add the emails into a database where you can automatically send emails to each of your subscribers. One of the big benefits of these types of systems is that they handle opt-outs automatically, so you can easily stay CAN-SPAM compliant.

3) Promote the page yourself to get more subscribers.

4) Create a pop-over on your site, highlighting your free report, to collect more subscribers.

Now every visitor who goes to your landing page will see your free gift offer: "Get my free report on the 5 best techniques for perfect golf swings." Now before they even go to click on any of the links on your site, they will be able to enter their name and email address to receive your generous free offer.

Now you have a growing list of potential customers who are interested in golf training and possibly other golf products. Your next step is to start sending them relevant and valuable messages that will keep them interested in receiving more information, reviews, and product recommendations from you.

This is your chance to convince your prospects to buy products you recommend. The same customer can now potentially generate recurring sales for you! One week he could buy an e-course about "Improving Your Golf Swing Videos" and the following week he could buy actual golf clubs, all based on your advice. This is very powerful!

If you are a vendor, the same applies to you. Think about the endless possibilities to sell products to visitors who came to your site the first time and are interested in your products, but left without buying anything.

These days, when getting high quality, targeted traffic is becoming harder and harder, it is important that you make the most of any visitor that comes to your site and get as much value out of the visit as you can.

One of the best ways to get this long-term value from a visit is to collect a visitor's information (by providing them with a valuable free gift) and establishing a long-lasting relationship to generate more income (by providing lots of value on the emails you send them).

Itay Paz is an Internet Marketing veteran who works with ClickBank as both an affiliate and a vendor. To learn more about Itay, please visit his Internet Marketing blog.

Marketing Corner

> 7 Steps to a Killer Newsletter Strategy

by Simon Slade

If you read my earlier post on acquiring visitors' email addresses, you understand how important it is to build an email list, and how a newsletter can be a great way to get value from those subscribers. But how can you promote products in your newsletter series without sending your subscribers running for the "unsubscribe" button? How do you promote newsletter loyalty and, at the same time, monetize it to the max? Click here to read more on the ClickBank Blog.


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