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Hubble 3D (2010) Trailer

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 12:29 PM PDT

I like documentary movie, especially documentary movie about earth, animals, and outer space, did you like documentary movie too ?? if yes there is new documentary movie that you can watch, the movie is Hubble 3D, this documentary movie is about the Hubble Space Telescope repair mission. The official trailer of this movie can be watched here (HD).

Finding Sleeping Schedule of Your Twitter Friends

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 12:11 PM PDT

I've found a website that provides a simple but interesting tool, the website is named This website provides free tool to find out the sleeping schedule of your Twitter friends, interesting isn't it ?? The algorithm behind the tool determine sleeping schedule of a Twitter user based on the time when he or she stays least active on Twitter.

Receive Email Notification Every Time Someone Unfollows You On Twitter

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 03:22 AM PDT

If you're a Twitter user that really concern about your Twitter followers and want to get an email notification when someone unfollows you, you can try a free service called Qwitter. Qwitter will sends you an email notification when someone stop following you on Twitter. The email notification that sent to you by Qwitter also includes the latest tweet that you send to him/her that may have caused the unfollow. Qwitter also plans to launch a premium service, they promises you'll get faster notifications and free of ads.

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