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Rahasia Sukses Blogger

Membuat Blogroll Untuk Daftar Blog

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 10:27 PM PDT

Membuat Blogroll Related Blog di Blogspot, inilah yang akan menjadi pembahasan pada postingan kali ini. Sedikit mengingatkan kembali bahwa blogroll merupakan tempat untuk meletakkan link, banner ataupun daftar blog teman diblog kita. Dengan adanya blogroll daftar blog, kita bisa menampilkan blog yang diinginkan beserta update posting terbaru. Kita bisa saling bertukar memajang blog dengan teman dengan maksud meningkatkan traffic blog. Sebagai contoh : si A memasang blog si B, ternyata si B membuat postingan baru dan tampil di blog si A. Barangkali postingan si B menarik dan memungkinkan pengunjung si A menuju ke blog si B untuk membaca postingan tersebut lebih detail dan begitu juga sebaliknya.

Gimana !!! tertarik ga' untuk membuat blogroll daftar blog ? tapi tutorial ini cuma untuk blog di blogspot. Jika tertarik dan ingin membuat blogroll daftar blog, ikuti tutorial mudah berikut :

1. Login ke account blogspot dengan username dan password anda.

2. Klik "Tata Letak" >> "Tambah Gadget" maka muncul halaman baru (lihat gambar 1)

3. Klik tanda "+" pada "Daftar Blog" maka akan menuju ke halaman selanjutnya (gambar 2)

Keterangan :
Judul : buatkan judul yang diinginkan. Misalnya : "Update Blog Sahabat"
Urutkan : pilih mana yang mau ditampilkan
Tampilkan : berapa blog yang ingin ditampilkan pada blogroll

4. Klik "Tambahkan Blog Ke Daftar Anda" maka tampil halaman selanjutnya (gambar 3)

5. Pilih "Tambah URL" masukkan alamat atau url blog yang ingin dimasukkan ke blogroll daftar blog, kemudian klik "Tambah" masukkanlah berapa banyak blog yang ingin di masukkan kedalam blogroll daftar blog.

6. Klik "Simpan"

Setelah mengikuti tutorial diatas dengan benar, maka blogroll daftar blog akan tampil diblog anda dan setiap kali ada blog yang dimasukkan ke daftar blog update postingan maka akan muncul diblogroll daftar blog tersebut.

Free Shipping On all TV Stands

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 11:00 AM PDT

Have you heard the online store site "standsonline.com" if not, I'll try to explain to you a little about this standsonline. Standonline.com is an online store that sells various types of furniture and videos and more precedence to the "TV Stand" in various forms and a very attractive option at a cheap price. Standonline.com also provide services to domestic customers with free shipping. The types of products offered TV Stands, Audio Video Racks and Towers, Speaker Stands, Plasma / LCD Wall Mount and speaker mounts, TV Stands, audio / video furniture, audio furniture, home theater furniture and entertainment centers, including plasma TV stands , DLP stands, LCD, projection TV stand, speaker stands, and TV Stand. Bell'O contemporary furniture is made from a combination of three different types of materials: metal, wood, and glass. All metal is covered with high impact, scratch resistant, powder-coated finish.

In BDI TV Stands we will find a collection of furniture pieces are unique, functional and looks great. Home Theater engineered their collections not only to meet the demanding needs of electronic current, but to do so with furniture that enriches the home and the home theater experience. With integrated features such as hidden casters, shelf and customized wire management, a BDI Home Theater system functional innovation successfully merged with the original and attractive design. We can be inspired to see the design in a new way to see if this product catalogs.

There was also Wall Mounted Furniture, Vertical Series combines the storage capacity of the cabinet silently display a low profile wall mount, creating a versatile, stylish piece that complements any decor and any current AV system. This stand features a wall adapted angry AV-glass shelves and generous wire management channels, making them perfect for mounting directly under the TV. Hopefully with the standsonline.com can help us to find the furniture and TV Stand.

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