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8 tips to super affiliate status

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The ClickBank Insider ClickBank Logo
April 2010 ::: Issue Number 29
This Just In

>ClickBank Announces AffCon Denver Platinum Sponsorship

ClickBank is pleased to announce our platinum level sponsorship of the AffCon 2010 event in Denver, June 21-23, 2010. This event is designed specifically for affiliate marketers, who will be able to take advantage of intensive educational/training content, general informational sessions, targeted skills sessions, exhibitors, and networking. AffCon2010 - Denver provides a unique opportunity to meet and share ideas with the brightest business people in the affiliate marketing industry.

We'd like to extend an invitation to all of our affiliates to attend this exciting event. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet the ClickBank team and ask questions as well as provide ideas and feedback. Best of all, this event is free for affiliates! Please register here and list ClickBank under the section titled "Your Associated Affiliate Networks." We look forward to seeing you in Denver in June.

>ClickBank Executives to Address European Affiliate Marketers at a4uexpo in Munich

ClickBank's CEO Brad Wiskirchen and VP of Sales and Business Development Dush Ramachandran will be key presenters at a4uexpo Europe taking place in Munich, May 18 and 19. Wiskirchen will participate in an expert panel entitled "Performance Marketing: Where Next?" and Ramachandran will lead a session entitled "Embracing Micro-niches within Europe." Click here to read more.

>Introducing ClickBank's New VP of Marketing!

ClickBank is excited to welcome new VP of Marketing, Bob Kumagai. Kumagai brings expertise in fast-paced, innovative environments to ClickBank including a wealth of experience in Internet marketing, e-commerce, and affiliate marketing sectors. With Kumagai on board, ClickBank is positioned to work with affiliates and vendors in more strategic and innovative ways than ever before. Welcome Bob Kumagai!

Expert Articles

>8 Key Differences Between Super Affiliates and Struggling Affiliates
By Mark Ling

Since I've been a successful affiliate marketer for a long time and have coached many affiliates on how to be more successful, I thought it could be helpful to write about the key differences that I see between the mindsets of super affiliates and struggling affiliates.

If you have dabbled in affiliate marketing but aren't making a killing yet, then you might find that some of the differences I mention below are issues you need to resolve first. Click here to read more on the ClickBank blog.

Marketing Corner

>Google Gives Advertisers the Power of Remarketing

Successful marketers have known for a long time that the more often you can get your product in front of potential customers, the more likely they are to buy. For traditional marketers, this has usually been accomplished by methods such as print, radio, or TV advertising.
In a move that should benefit affiliate marketers and vendors, Google announced yesterday that they've brought this same ability to remarket to customers to PPC advertising.

Basically, in your Google AdWords account, you can specify that you want to display ads for your products or site to people who have already visited your site from a paid click. Your subsequent ads will be shown to them in the Google Content Network, when they're browsing other sites related to your product. This gives you a great opportunity to remind people of the benefits of your product, or offer them a reason to come back and check out your site again. It's possible that the first time they visited your site, they just weren't ready to buy, but after browsing around online, a well-written ad could be just what it takes to get them to come back and buy this time.
If you do AdWords advertising, be sure to check it out!

>Takeaways from South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi)

Beau Blackwell, ClickBank's Community Manager, represented ClickBank this year at SXSWi and summarizes the event for vendors and affiliates considering attending next year:

"In my mind, the main benefit of SXSWi is in the educational and networking opportunities. Some of the biggest recurring topics were around digital publishing, web monetization, and information sharing, which are all extremely relevant to ClickBank as well as affiliates and vendors" said Blackwell.

In Blackwell's opinion, the potential exposure to new ideas and trends, as well as the extensive networking opportunities, both in regards to panels and the dozens of Meetups, parties, and events thrown by companies, make it well worth the cost to attend. We look forward to you joining us at SXSWi in 2011. Learn more about SXSWi here.

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