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Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja


Lowongan Kerja Wismilak

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 02:02 AM PDT

Over Forty years ago, marked the momentous birth of a tobacco company; The coming together of two strong individuals who formed PT Gelora Djaja in Indonesia. Thus brought with them not only a shared experience of decades in the tobacco industry, but also a shared conviction to produce a more superior product. Within five years the company had managed to build and enjoy a wonderful reputation, and had succeeded in being ranked among the leading Clove Cigarette manufacturers in the country. Today...

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Lowongan Kerja Charoen Pokphand

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 09:04 PM PDT

The Charoen Pokphand Group is the largest business conglomerate in Thailand. Its largest subsidiary is Charoen Pokphand Foods, which achieved 116.5 billion baht in revenue in 2005, earning a profit of 6.747 billion baht. Apart from agribusiness, the family-owned conglomerate's interests range from retailing, as the franchisee of Thailand's 7-Eleven stores, to telecommunications, as the owner of True Corporation, a mobile telephone service provider, Internet service provider, and cable...

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Lowongan Kerja Gudang Garam

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 08:24 PM PDT

PT Gudang Garam Tbk is one of the leading cigarette producers that secures the largest market share in Indonesia, produced more than 70 billions sticks in the year 2001 and well-known as the high quality kretek cigarette producer. We are currently seeking professional candidates for the following positions: 1. MACHINES PRODUCTION OPERATOR (Code : MPRO) MaleMax. age 25 years oldDiploma (D3) in Mechanical Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Industrial Engineering, min. GPA : 3.00 (4 scale)2....

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Lowongan Kerja BRI

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:56 PM PDT

Bank Rakyat Indonesia's vision is to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction. BRI missions is to achieve the vision, BRI has decided on trhree missions that have to be undertaken, namely: BRI provides the best banking operation by prioritizing services for Micro, Small, and Medium Businesses in order to support people's economy. BRI offers sevices to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human...

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Lowongan Kerja Bank Kaltim

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:19 PM PDT

BPD Kaltim is one of the Regional Companies (enterprises) belonging to the Provincial Government and Regency / City Kaltim as a Governor of the mind KDH Kaltim Mr A. Level I Moeis Hasan founded on October 14, 1965 based on the baseline. Level I East Kalimantari Number: 03/PD164 September 19, 1964 the approval by the Minister of the Interior No.9 / I 0/8-45 date 01 April 1965. Then the law. are experiencing changes in the East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 02 Year 2002 dated February II,...

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Lowongan Kerja Wilmar Group

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:39 PM PDT

Wilmar International Limited, founded in 1991 as a palm oil trading company, is today Asia's leading agribusiness group. We are amongst the largest listed companies by market capitalisation on the Singapore Exchange. Our business activities include oil palm cultivation, edible oils refining, oilseeds crushing, consumer pack edible oils processing and merchandising, specialty fats, oleochemicals and biodiesel manufacturing, and grains processing and merchandising. Headquartered in Singapore,...

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Lowongan Kerja Natarang Mining

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:16 PM PDT

PT. Natarang Mining is constructing an underground gold/silver mine and 400 TPD Merril-Crowe processing plant at its Way Linggo project Lampung, Sumatra. Commissioning is planned early 2010. PT. Natarang Mining has vacancies for the positions listed below. Candidates must a minimum of live years experience. Positions are site based on 4 week on 2 week off roster. Competitive employment package. Applicants to submit application letter indicating position applied for and current CV summarising...

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Lowongan Kerja Mitrais

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 05:40 PM PDT

Mitrais is a Bali-headquartered technology company which provides outsourced information systems and services. These are provided to organizations in Australia and elsewhere requiring the development of commercial software applications, to public and private hospitals and clinics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and to the mining industry in Indonesia. Mitrais is looking for Geologist to join our consulting team. The ideal candidate must have minimum 3 years experience with a mining...

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Lowongan Kerja Semen Batam

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 05:59 PM PDT

PT Semen Batam is a subsidiary of Bosowa Corporation. Construction of the plant started in 2006 and was completed early 2008. The commencement operation of PT Semen Batam's cement grinding plant was officially launched by the Vice President of the Republic Indonesia, H.E. Jusuf Kalla, on December 2, 2008. Currently, PT Semen Batam has an annual production capacity of 1.2 million tons. Chemist Requirements Degree in Chemical Engineering.Experience working in a laboratory. Having prior...

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